Ruby was commissioned as a memorial portrait by Bex.
She was a really sweet looking girl, such a lovely face. A beautiful portrait to do, I do quite a lot of Black Labs, and they have to be one of my favourites. It came out really well, and Bex loved it. She sent me a lovely email and an extract from that can be read below.
Ruby, Pencil Portrait, 12 x 14 inch
Client Testimonial from Bex
I am so thrilled I love it so much, what a masterpiece. You are so talented and I am so lucky to have this I thankyou so much, my heart aches but in a good way. Ruby was my first girl. They first thing my husband and I got ❤ together. We got her at 4mths the guy didn't want her as she was to much for the 2 year she was brought for and he had only had German Shepard. She was my 3rd lab in my life so I was ready and she was my husband's first dog.
She jumped in our car and never looked back.
She was a gentle soul ... but could be very stubborn but I miss her every day.
Thanks so much