Sarg was a White Standard Poodle and was commissioned by Sue as a memorial painting for a friend as a birthday gift.
One of my favourite oil portraits. It was very intricate with the curly fur, but it was a lot of fun and an extremely rewarding portrait to do. Sue was thrilled with the portrait and her friend loved it. Her full testimonial can be read below.
Sarg, Oil on Linen, 14 x 20 inch
Client Testimonial from Sue
Fiona painted a portrait of a beloved dog that had passed which I gave to a friend as gift. It was simply put…..incredible! Not just the quality of the picture, but the likeness captured and most of all the care, consideration, thought and consultation Fiona had taken when undertaking this painting. I would recommend this incredible art form to anyone who wants a beautiful lasting memory of members of their family.
Thank you again Fiona.