Peaunut was very well loved and was commissioned by David for his parter and himself.
Such a beautiful looking girl. Unfortunately she wasn’t well, and had survived so many incidents and illnesses, so David really wanted to get a portrait done before she passed, which sadly it wasn’t long after her portrait was finished. This was really quite a special portrait, she was so well loved and I know, dearly missed! She was a beautiful looking girl, such lovely colours, and those eyes! I thoroughly enjoyed painting her and David and his partner loved her portrait. He had some lovely comments and these can be read below.
Peanut, Oil on Canvas, 16 x 12 inch
Client Testimonial from David
That's it, that's done, that's Peanut. I think that when you climb a mountain and reach the peak of perfection, to do any more only takes it back down again. You have captured her appearance, captured her eyes and look and mostly, have also captured that nuance that makes each person's pet unique to them.
Thank you for completing the portrait of Peanut. It has been a great journey, with discussions and updates, now is the tipping on the 🍰.