Ollie was a tabby cat and was commissioned by Rebecca as a memorial painting.
Such a sweet boy and dearly missed by Rebecca, this was a gorgeous portrait to do. Didn’t he look gorgeous just basking there in the sun. Tabbies, like brindles, can be really tricky, and involve a few layers to get the different fur colouring, but I was really pleased with how well this one came out. Rebecca really loved her portrait and sent me a sweet testimonial. It is such a special part of this job, being able to create a portrait that has so much meaning and love to their owners.
Ollie, Oil on Canvas, 9 x 12 inch
Client Testimonial from Rebecca
“I love it - no changes needed. That looks just like my boy. It's a lovely portrait of my dear sweet Ollie. I miss him everyday.
Thank you for capturing him so perfectly
Kind regards, Rebecca”