Benny was commissioned by Mitchy as a Christmas present for her in-laws. We had a good selection of photos at picked the one with him up at the picnic table as it was so cute!.
Cavaliers make such great portraits with their highlights and curly fur. One of my favourite breeds to do, I was really happy with how this came out. In the end, I chose to keep the background plain, as it can end up with too much detail and I didn’t want to detract from gorgeous Benny. Mitchy and her family were super happy with the portrait and their response to it can be read below.
Benny, Oil Portrait, 12 x 12 inch
Client Testimonial from Mitchy
“Just letting you know the painting of Benny was an absolute hit, there may have even been a few tears when it was opened because of how much they loved it! Thank you again so much.
Thank you again