Ainsley was commissioned by Nicole as a birthday present for her sister Sophie. This is the third portrait I have done for Nicole, I also did Anubis (who I was lucky enough to meet) and Austin.
Isn’t Ainsley beautiful. Such a big healthy looking boy, who had a rough start to life as a stray that wasn’t well! He’s bounced back so beautifully with care and love! Getting photos of him was tricky as it was all done in stealth, across time zones and COVID (Ainsley and Sophie are in the UK), but we got a lovely shot in the end, He looks gorgeous with this big green eyes! A bit of a tricky portrait with the shadowing on the fur, but it came out really well. Nicole and Sophie were very happy and Sophie left me a very sweet message which always means a lot.
Ainsley, Oil on Canvas, 16 x 12 inch
Client Testimonial from Sophie
Sophie left me a lovely message telling me how much she adored her portrait. It was so great to hear from her and know that its loved.