

Tabby was commissioned by Abby as a memorial portrait.

This girl had the most amazing green eyes, she was beautiful. A lovely portrait to do, yet quite tricky, it was one of those that looked a bit off to me right until the end, sometimes it takes that final fluffing out and whiskers to really cement the portrait in place! Abby loved it, and I had the most lovely testimonial from her, which can be read below.

Abby, Oil on Canvas, 14 x 14 inch

Client Testimonial from Abby

Hi Fiona,

I just got home from work and Tabby’s portrait was waiting for me. It is so incredible I’m seriously lost for words! I can’t get over just how much it looks like her, not even a photo of her, it’s as if I’m looking through a window at her. 

Thank you so much for all the work you put into the portrait and getting it perfect. 

I will treasure it forever and am currently researching easels to display it on because it needs to be featured! 

Thank you so much!!
