


Leo, a beautiful Tabby kitten was commissioned by Matthew as a birthday gift for his partner Olivia.

A cat! I was quite excited, I haven't had a cat portrait in ages and I love drawing them! They have such soft fur and huge translucent eyes! Have you ever seen such a cutie? This portrait was challenging with the difference in fur colours, but lots of fun to do and I really enjoyed it.  Matthew and Olivia were very pleased with the portrait. Please read their testimonial below.

Client Testimonial from Olivia

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present than your stunning drawing of Leo. I absolutely adore the artwork and am astounded at the resemblance between your drawing and the original photo. You really captured all the fine details of the picture and somehow made Leo look even softer and cuddlier than the photo portrays. Thank you so much for putting such effort into the picture.

Thanks, Olivia